15 Jun 2011 |
Posted by SM3 Solutions | 0 Comment.
In today’s high speed world of instant gratification, content is distributed around the clock to keep information seekers satisfied! Even the most proficient typist may encounter a slip of the finger and punch the wrong key. So is a simple mistake enough to stop readers in their tracks? If you share content on the Internet, whether it be through a forum, blog, or other social network, you may be surprised at the significance of a spelling or grammatical error.
The major consequence is that it decreases your credibility as a valuable information source. With so much content to choose from,...
02 Jun 2011 |
Posted by SM3 Solutions | 0 Comment.
Considering how often we hear “Find us on Facebook” or “Follow us on Twitter,” it is surprising that there are so many companies that still question whether or not Social Media Marketing is just a fad. The rapid growth of these networks and the tremendous impact it has on consumers suggests that whether we like or not, Online Marketing and Social Networking is an integral part of small and large business development.
So why do some people resist the movement?
The main factor holding some companies back from taking advantage of all the Social Media has to offer is time. They understand...